


Poland has successfully retrieved a valuable painting by Alessandro Turchi, an Italian artist, which was stolen by Nazi Germans during World War II and recently found

at an auction house in Japan. The announcement was made by Poland's Deputy Prime Minister and Culture Minister, Piotr Gliński, during a news conference in Warsaw. The painting, titled "Maria With Child," is a stunning piece dating back to the late 16th or early 17th century.

Gliński expressed gratitude to all those involved in facilitating its return and highlighted the significance of recovering the artwork in Japan, as it marks the first retrieval of a painting stolen during the war from that region.

The painting was located by a Polish expert through an online search at Mainichi Auction Inc., and after extensive negotiations, the Japanese auction house and the painting's owner agreed to return it to Poland without any charges. The artwork, which was part of the Lubomirski Palace's collection in Przeworsk, will likely be housed in the new Lubomirski Museum in Wrocław, Poland. This recovery adds another chapter to the ongoing efforts to restore looted cultural treasures to their rightful owners. Photo by Piotr Drabik from Poland, Wikimedia commons.