



The Commission welcomes the political agreement on the ReFuelEU Aviation proposal, reached yesterday between the European Parliament and the Council. Once in

An investigation has claimed that Uber users are being charged different fees despite taking the same journey in Brussels. According to Belgian newspaper Dernière

On Wednesday, European Union's financial services commissioner Mairead McGuinness stated that a digital euro will not be a "Big Brother" project and will offer choice in making payments.


By involving the general public, as many as 14 million clicks to suspicious websites were avoided in 2022. This equates to about 25 alerts to internet users per minute. If you know that Belgium


The Car Importers Association (SDA) of the Czech Republic announced on Thursday that new car registrations surged by 18.9% to reach 56,341 vehicles in the first

Cybercrime in Ghent is on the rise, with the police focusing on additional prevention measures for seniors. Last year saw almost 2,900 incidents, an increase of nearly 70 percent compared to


Germany, along with six other EU countries, have rejected calls to include nuclear-made hydrogen in the bloc’s green transport targets. In a letter to the European Commission, Austria,


Europe is facing a dilemma as it seeks to diversify its supply of critical raw materials while trying to protect nature and biodiversity. For years, the environmental and human cost of mining

"Ukroboronprom" Begins Production of 125mm Shells for Soviet Tanks T-64, T-72, and T-80.