



Beginning in 2024, self-employed couriers are slated to earn a minimum wage of 32.77 euros per hour, a calculation determined by the Federal Public Service (FPS) Economy. This prescribed

wage is outlined in a Royal Decree (RD) scheduled for approval on Friday and will be subject to review every six months. Post Minister Petra De Sutter highlights this wage as a standout measure in Europe, made possible by the parcel law.

In tandem with establishing this minimum compensation, designated coordinators will be assigned within postal parcel depots. Their role involves educating couriers about their rights and responsibilities upon commencing work with a parcel company. These coordinators will also craft risk assessment plans aimed at averting violations, De Sutter explains.

The minimum wage for couriers encompasses various elements, comprising transportation, attire, telecommunications expenses, wages, social security contributions, and health insurance. These sums, indexed and contingent on whether a courier rides a bicycle or operates a van, collectively constitute the gross amount.

De Sutter emphasizes that no parcel company should remunerate their couriers below this designated minimum, although companies are encouraged to offer higher pay. Addressing concerns about existing compensation levels, she notes that many couriers currently resort to unregistered work to meet financial ends. Photo by Bramble43, Wikimedia commons.