



Belgium has committed 4 million euros to bolster education and provide training for teachers in Africa, as announced by Caroline Gennez, the Minister of Development Cooperation, during a

press conference in Brussels as part of a European project initiative.

Belgium's investment focuses on climate education, gender equality, digitalization, and the training and retraining of teachers. Gennez, a member of the Flemish socialists Vooruit, stressed the significance of education as a human right and an essential element of global sustainable development. The emphasis is not only on children's education but also on shaping a global future, particularly for girls.

Gennez highlighted the broader impacts of investing in education, extending beyond schooling. She noted that investing in education offers young people better employment prospects, improved wages, healthier lives, delayed marriages, and enhanced family planning. Additionally, there is a profound and enduring impact on society, including lower mortality rates among mothers and children, reduced child marriages, increased economic growth, and a decline in inequality.

Citing a UNESCO report, Gennez pointed out that investing in girls' education positively influences prosperity and health while contributing to a decrease in partner violence, among other outcomes. The report also underscores the crucial role teachers play in supporting girls.

The funding from Belgium will be directed to the European Global Gateway project Regional Teacher's Initiative Africa, which has previously received 100 million euros in European support. Belgium, along with France and Finland, is actively participating as partners in this initiative. The announcement coincides with Belgium's presidency of the Council of the European Union. Photo by Lukasz Kobus - European Commission, Wikimedia commons.