


In a significant ruling, the Dutch Supreme Court has upheld previous court decisions ordering the return of ancient Crimean gold artifacts to Ukraine. This decision brings an end to a lengthy

legal process surrounding the ownership of these valuable cultural treasures.

The artifacts had been on display at the Allard Pierson Museum in the Netherlands when Russia annexed Crimea in 2014. Both Ukraine and museums in Crimea had vigorously advocated for their return.

The ruling stated that the Allard Pierson Museum must return these artistic treasures to the State of Ukraine, rather than the museums in Crimea.

Among the pieces in question are a solid gold Scythian helmet and a golden neck ornament, each weighing over 1 kilogram (35 oz). These artifacts had been on loan at the museum in Amsterdam.

The United Nations, the European Union, and the Netherlands all recognize the "territorial integrity" of Ukraine within its pre-2014 borders.

Lower courts in the Netherlands had previously ruled in 2016 and 2021 that the artifacts should be returned to Ukraine.

The 2021 appeals court decision highlighted that, according to Ukrainian law, the artifacts would be held at the National Historical Museum in Kyiv "until the situation in Crimea has stabilized."

The Dutch Supreme Court commended the 2021 decision for striking a fair balance between respecting the rights of the museums and safeguarding Ukraine's cultural heritage.

This ruling brings clarity to the ownership of these precious artifacts and reinforces Ukraine's claim to its cultural heritage. Photo by VoidWanderer, Wikimedia commons.