


A recent survey of 1,000 Belgian women conducted by the global initiative Stand Up Against Street Harassment reveals that at least 83% of women have encountered street harassment.

The Federal Migration Center, Myria, disclosed that a total of 48,482 individuals were granted Belgian citizenship in 2022, marking a 24% increase from the previous year. On average, 2.6 out

Belgium has greenlit its nineteenth defence aid package for Ukraine, with a focus on providing ballistic protection kits, synonymous with bulletproof vests, and a substantial number of

Various political figures, Jewish leaders, and the Israeli ambassador gathered in Poland's parliament for a Hanukkah ceremony following a recent attack by a far-right MP on the ceremonial

A brand-new night train is poised to embark on its maiden journey from Berlin, whisking travelers to both Brussels and Paris. Departing from Berlin on Monday evenings, the Nightjet will

The Adviesraad Migratie, the government's migration advisory body in the Netherlands, suggests the country needs a significant influx of foreign workers to manage the consequences of its


This Saturday marks the 150th anniversary of the renowned flea market at Jeu de Balle in Brussels, with the city celebrating this milestone through a series of events on both Friday and

New-Art auction house in Hooglede, West Flanders, has announced the forthcoming auction of a Picasso masterpiece. The piece in question is an oil painting believed to date back to around


The Danish parliament recently approved legislation outlawing the burning of the Koran, marking it as "inappropriate treatment" punishable by up to two years in prison.

The Belgian Federal Planning Bureau is gearing up for a groundbreaking study slated for 2024—testing the impacts of condensing the workweek to 32 hours without compromising pay.