


In an interview with Rzeczpospolita newspaper, Mark Brzezinski, the United States Ambassador to Poland, emphasized the robust military cooperation between Poland and the United States,

affirming that every corner of Polish territory is "secure and protected." He further discussed the enduring bond between the two nations, dating back over two centuries and currently at its closest point.

Brzezinski highlighted the historical solidarity, noting that both Americans and Poles have valiantly fought for each other's freedom throughout history, with figures like Tadeusz Kościuszko and Kazimierz Pulaski serving as Polish-American independence heroes.

The ambassador underscored the shared commitment to supporting Ukraine, emphasizing the joint mission to bolster the Ukrainian nation. He pointed out that over 10,000 US troops are currently stationed in Poland, working alongside Polish soldiers under the directive of US President Joe Biden.

Brzezinski stated unequivocally that all of NATO's territory, including Poland, is well-protected and secure. He emphasized the remarkably close collaboration in the military sphere between Poland and the United States, with the US providing advanced military equipment such as Abrams tanks, Apache attack helicopters, F-35 stealth jets, and HIMARS rocket artillery launchers to the Polish armed forces, a testament to the level of trust between the two nations.

The ambassador reiterated the readiness of Polish, American, and other NATO troops to deter any potential aggressor. In recognition of his contributions, Mark Brzezinski was honored with the Person of the Year award at a prestigious economic conference held in Karpacz, a picturesque Polish ski resort.

As Russia's war on Ukraine enters its 562nd day, Poland and the United States continue to stand united in their commitment to regional security and international cooperation. Photo by US Embassy Sweden, Wikimedia commons.