




A substantial proportion of Portuguese employees are contemplating job and company changes within the next 12 months, well above the global average.

This growing trend can be attributed to several factors, including limited career advancement opportunities, inadequate training, and salary concerns, as indicated in the "Global Re:work" report by the human resources firm Kelly, as reported by ECO.

Vanda Brito, Director of Human Resources at Kelly in Portugal, highlighted that Portuguese employees are more inclined toward job changes compared to workers in other surveyed countries and even surpass the global average.

The study reveals that 34% of Portuguese workers are considering leaving their current companies within the next year, compared to the 28% global average. The reasons behind this inclination are quite consistent with the characteristics of the Portuguese job market.

One of the primary driving factors for this desire to change careers is the limited prospects for career advancement. Among the countries analyzed, only Italian workers show a greater propensity for job change than their Portuguese counterparts.

Additionally, the lack of access to essential tools and technologies also plays a significant role, with Portugal leading European countries in this category.

Further dampening the motivation for job changes in Portugal is the deficit in training and skills development opportunities, as well as salary and benefits, which are perceived as falling short of employees' expectations and not particularly competitive. Photo by Phil Whitehouse, Wikimedia commons.