


The Tilburg synagogue in the Netherlands has experienced heightened threats following the recent actions of the Hamas terrorist group in Israel and Israel's declaration of war in response.

Belgium's Jewish umbrella organizations, the Forum of Jewish Organisations (FJO) and the Comité de Coordination des Organisations Juives de Belgique (CCOJB), representing both Flemish


Around 100 asylum seekers depart Belgium for other EU countries every month due to their prior asylum applications in those countries, as reported by De Tijd on Saturday.

The Baltic Assembly Prize in Literature for this year has been bestowed upon Lithuanian translator and poet Antanas A. Jonynas, as announced by the Lithuanian Seimas on Friday.


King Willem-Alexander expressed his belief in the importance of confronting the past, even its darker aspects, following the revelation that his grandfather, Prince Bernhard, held a membership

Belgium has announced an increase in its contribution to the UN's Green Climate Fund, raising it from 100 million to 150 million euros. Caroline Gennez, the Development Cooperation minister

Mont Blanc, France's tallest mountain, has experienced a significant reduction in height, with researchers reporting a decrease of more than two meters over the past two years.

Belgium's intelligence agency, the State Security Service (VSSE), has been closely monitoring Alibaba's primary logistics hub in Europe amidst growing suspicions that China may be utilizing its

Poland has introduced temporary controls on its border with Slovakia, taking measures to restrict the entry of irregular migrants and deploying the military to support these restrictions.


A group of 67 women from Greenland is seeking compensation from the Danish government for the involuntary birth control campaign that occurred in the 1960s. This campaign aimed to limit